After a few extra hours of downtime, Elite Dangerous is back up. The big deal with this release is fleet carriers, but there are plenty of small tweaks and fixes that are worth noting. Here are the highlights from the patch notes of changes I expect to improve my gameplay:
- Locations discovered using the DSS will now be listed in the System Map correctly after returning to a system.
- Fixed a problem which could cause Surface Data to generate in the background at such a low priority that it would stop.
- Updated how Faction influence adds up to 100% in a star system to keep more of a Faction’s trending direction.
- NPC mining ships will now have a more appropriate cargo based on contents of the rings in their system, including Low Temperature Diamonds.
- Implemented a fix that will stop Core Mining Fragments from penetrating into Asteroids.
- Sub-Surface Mining Deposits can now eject multiple resource chunks from one successful hit.
- The ‘Total Units Needed’ will now update in the Commodity Market as Collect Missions progress.
- Delivery Mission Cargo is now marked as ‘Mission Specific’ to prevent the Commodity Market showing the commodity as mission required.
- Added depot support to Solo mining missions.
- Increased the chance of players meeting previously encountered players when revisiting systems in a session.
- Players can now block any player, not just friends or pending friends.
- Corrected the ETA numbers when approaching targets in Supercruise.
Previous Changes From Beta
- Squadron bookmarks made for a Fleet Carrier location now move with the Carrier when it jumps.
- Inbox message notifying the player that their transferred ship has arrived will now arrive at the same time as the ship, rather than being sent instantly.
Missing Manual Changes
- Quick Action menu added to repair, refuel, and rearm from docking screen.